Chai Shang
About meHi, I am Chai Shang, a Cyberspace Security Master Student in USTC advised by Dr. Liansheng Zhuang. I received the B.E. degree in Engineering in Information Security from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2021. My research interests are not limited to information security, and my past research mainly focused on Deep Learning, Deep Generative Models and Computer Vision. ResearchMy research interests include
HonorMaster Academic ScholarshipThe First Prize Scholarship at USTC. (2021) Talent Program in Artificaial IntelligenceHonored class for artificial intelligence at USTC. (2019.09-2021.07) Excellent Student ScholarshipThe Second Prize Scholarship at USTC. (2019, 2020) ActivitiesResearch InternCoohom - Hangzhou, China (2021.07-2021.09)
Noah's ark lab (Huawei) - Hefei, China (2021.12-2022.09)
Alimama (Alibaba) - Beijing, China (2023.03-now)